The Projects

The ifzw impulsstiftung only pursues non-profit goals and supports predominantly programmes that aid the development of the Free State of Saxony. We also strongly support youth encouragement projects in the core fields of education, environment and sports as well as projects to support science and research in the field of environmental protection.

When selecting the activities, the high quality and strategic importance of the issues are an essential guideline, so that the economic, ecological and societal added value may be continually increased.


The main focus for enabling projects:

Education and personality development in science, the environment, and business

Supporting youth team sports

Implementation of events such as presentations, colloquia and specialised seminars

Activation of networks: as an interface for social, economic and ecological matters


Die Handmade Projektwochen (26.6.-30.6. & 3.7.-7.7.2017) gingen in die nächste Runde!
Die Handmade Projektwochen (26.6.-30.6. & 3.7.-7.7.2017) gingen in die nächste Runde! Aus insgesamt fünf verschiedenen Workshops konnten sich Kinder ihren  Liebling heraussuchen und sich den verschiedensten Themen widmen. Wir wollen...
IBC 2017: “A great experience” – A review
“My goal is to motivate people”,  explained Marie Nele Wolfram, one of the three trainers of the Impulse Boost Camp. “That definitely worked out this year. The participants left the...
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